Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dental Floss

Well this is what design methods has been pounding us with. We've been designing new dental floss based on using the methods we learned in class. I wish i had more time to do this design but oh well....

Sunday, November 4, 2007

oh the power of tablet....

yay thanx to Wu-Tang i finally used my tablet to render Niku and her friends!! this one of my old drawings from high school that i dug out from my computer. She looks so real i hope i can make a model of her one day gosh i'm so ecstatic!! i can't wait to render more of my characters and maybe more of Niko!!! ^_^

Friday, November 2, 2007

Kitty Gesture and New Character!

hmm.. this some kitty gesture i drew of oliver hehe.... and today i got bored and drew this semi cat/dragon/monster character not sure what his name is... oh and guess who's that chick that's usually falling asleep hmmm.....